
New Burnout Paradise vid shows off vehicular destruction

Previous Burnout Paradise trailers have failed to show off any of the features that make a Burnout game a Burnout game, i.e., massive crashes with explosions of shrapnel. Criterion has finally given into our ravenous demands for destruction and they have released a new pre-E3 trailer that shows off a ton of sexy vehicular destruction. It also highlights some changes to level design, as it appears that the levels have more huge jumps and vertical pathways than the previous entries in the Burnout series. Though the whole sandbox aspect of the gameplay is still pretty suspicious, the rest of the gameplay is looking fantastic. The graphics look gorgeous and the game moves at the standard blistering pace we'd expect.

With Criterion focusing on the PlayStation 3 version of Burnout, expect some top-notch carnage when the game hits the pavement later this year. Until then, check out the trailer above!