
Happy Birthday, iCal

There's something that can be said for a broken clock - It's correct twice a day. Which is more than you can say about the iCal icon - it's accurate only once a year. Today is that day!

It was on July 17, 2002 that iCal was born (hence the date on its icon). Three years later, in April of 2005, version 2.0 was released.

Today, our old friend iCal has a younger sibling on the iPhone and synchronizes with Google Calendar (kind of). Mac system administrators are waiting for the iCal server that will be a part of Leopard Server, while end users anticipate iCal 3.0 in October.

Happy birthday, iCal. Now go back into the box with Keynote, Pages, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD and all the other applications that Apple has forgotten.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.