
Shadowrun patched [update]

Shadowrun players may have to drop one of their hobbies once they download the new title update. No, they won't be forced to quit the multiplayer FPS, they'll have to give up whatever they've been doing during the hours (OK, minutes) it takes to join a game. In the official Shadowrun forums, lead program manager "Kimona" says that the new update is expected to improve wait times 200 to 300%. The post also promises improved sync times when new players join a game and changes to the party system. There are also some changes specific to Vista.

Kimona isn't saying exactly what day next week the update will drop, but suffice it to say you had better put some major time into that "Bless This Mess" needlepoint over the weekend. Update: Doh, the patch is now live (and has been since yesterday!). Anyone notice improved wait times?

[Via Team Xbox]