
Could new airline regulations affect DS owners?

Traveling sucks. There's just no other way to put it. What is between you and your final destination is a maze of complications that one single blog post couldn't begin to cover. And, for gaming enthusiasts traveling with their hobby of choice, things just got worse.

New regulations at U.S. airports dictate that those who're traveling with game consoles must remove them from their bags and process them as they would a laptop or DVD player. Of course, this doesn't affect personal electronics like MP3 players and, more importantly, your DS. But, could it in the future? Yes, and that's what scares us.

How often have you encountered the security people at the airport, only to be hassled due to their ignorance? "What is that, sir?" a guard asks. "Oh, it's my Nintendo DS, it allows me to brave the long trips in the enclosed tin cans we call airplanes." "Sir, I'm going to need you to come with me," the security person explains before I'm whisked away to a dark room, only to be prodded and poked at like some kind of choice cutlet of delicious meat.

But, who can blame them? It's not like it isn't their job to keep us safe, but would it kill them to be a bit more informed about the electronics they're supposedly keeping a close eye on. Besides, what's keeping people with bad intentions from creating devices to carry out their evil plans in the likeness of a DS?

How would one get around this new horrible future where these regulations are enacted for handheld consoles? Well, there isn't much you can do. Tuck your DS away in your carry-on bag (if you have one, otherwise slam that puppy in your pocket) and hope for the best. Once you get to the plane's gate, who's to stop you from saving worlds? Not a damn person, that's who.

One thing's for sure though: not only should you keep an eye out for thieves at the airport now, you should also keep an eye on the people keeping an eye on you. They're likely to snag your DS, say it's because of "security regulations" and go enjoy some New Super Mario Bros. on their lunch break.

[Via QJ]