
Legendary Thread with Cory Stockton

Legendary Thread, 1up's WoW podcast, has a special Blizzcon episode up with Cory Stockton, WoW's lead level designer and a new name to me. It's a fun chat, covering topics from Dalaran to Naxx to new hair. It also contains some interesting new information on Death Knights. Note that this isn't finalized but is, according to Stockton, the way the devs are leaning at the moment.

  • Doing the quest to unlock a DK will give you a new hero slot, in which you can make a DK.

  • This means you would need to redo it if you wanted to make a second DK; it's unknown whether you can have more than one hero slot per realm, though.

  • This also means you (hopefully) won't be stopped from making one by having ten characters on a realm.

Another tidbit that I found interesting is that Blizzard watched to see what items are flooding the AH on a regular basis, and then uses them in professions to help the economy. If you've got an hour to spare, go listen to the podcast. If you don't, feel free to complain here about the fact that Stockton mentioned "next expansion" when talking about a second hero class. That makes me sad.