
The VC Advantage: Pithecanthropus cheaterurus

The Internet has made it easy to find cheats for games, but we miss the tips pages from game magazines, when the discovery of a new code could inspire you to go back to an old game. These codes aren't exactly new, but oldness is the essence of the Virtual Console! We're bringing back the classic codes every week on The VC Advantage.

The Bonk series isn't especially hard. In fact, in the tradition of other mascot platformers, the games are designed to be playable by pretty much anyone (with the exception of Air Zonk, which, like any shooter, is pretty challenging). But that's no reason not to use these codes and mess around with the games. Some of the codes even make the game more difficult. Any excuse to talk about the Bonk series is a worthwhile one, anyway. More of you should be playing these games.

Bonk's Revenge (TG16):
Bonus Level Select: At the difficulty menu, hold button II, then press Run. You can play any of the bonus levels from this menu. Of course, the whole game is like one big bonus level, and if you'd played it, you'd know that. Oh, and now we're crying.

Bonk III: Bonk's Big Adventure (TG16):
Cheat Mode: Bonk III has a pretty extensive cheat mode that allows you to start at any level (even the bonus levels), change the height of your jumps and even the speed of the game. To access the cheat mode, highlight "QUIT" in the start menu, then hold down and left on the control pad, hold buttons I and II, and press RUN. You may have to press Select a few times to move the cursor back down to QUIT before pressing Run.

Air Zonk (TG16):
Expert Mode: On the "Configuration" screen, hold right and press Select to access the Expert Mode. The difficulty settings are all labeled with flavors: sweet, spicy, bitter; we don't know what flavor would correspond to Expert Mode, except for maybe the taste of blood. Oh, but that's kind of gross and extreme for a kid-friendly game. Let's say "Yucky Mode."

[Codes via GameFAQs]