
Video: Geometry Wars: Waves gameplay

Gather around kids, it's time for some new Geometry Wars video! Embedded above is the first gameplay footage of Bizarre Creations' latest Geometry Wars installment oh so interestingly named Geometry Wars: Waves. First and foremost you must know that Waves will only be available within' Project Gotham Racing 4 and will not see a separate XBLA release. Secondly, let's look at the gameplay footage since that's the point of this post. From what we see, it looks like Waves is pretty much based off of Retro Evolved (which we fully expected), but with the addition of new enemies and behaviors.

The video is rather short, but we get a glimpse at some new triangle enemies that shoot from one side of the map to the other, some double square looking shapes that just sit there and our old friends blue diamonds and green squares. We also noticed that the multiplier system has been tweaked over Retro Evolved allowing players to rack up a high score pretty quickly. Go ahead and give the video a watch to decide whether or not PGR 4 is worth purchasing just for this little beauty we call Geometry Wars: Waves.

[Via Game Stooge]