
New Assassin's Creed trailer is delightful

We can't speak to the quality of Assassin's Creed at all. When it's (supposedly) released in November, we have no idea if you'll love it, if you'll hate it or if you'll be indifferent. What we can say with plenty of confidence though is that the person in charge of making trailers for Assassin's Creed should win a major award. We're not sure what award you get for making really short movies that make viewers want to flip out and stab people, but they should win that one.

We're sure you all remember this one, now we have this rad new offering. We don't even want to tell you much about it, for fear of ruining it. Just know that the Knights Templar are involved. ... As is a bloody feather. OK, seriously, that's it. You need to go watch.