
A look at Leopard's iTunes visualizers

Mac Rumors has posted screenshots of three new iTunes visualizers coming in Leopard (or sooner, if they're included in the upcoming update). They're called Lathe, Jelly, and Stix-- Lathe is a couple of particle fountains that "pulsate" to the bass notes, Jelly a kalediscope of little colored lights, and Stix (above) is a beam of light that shoots around on what looks like a reflective disco floor.

Seeing just screenshots of these doesn't do it, of course-- the whole thing depends on how well it moves with the music. And I have to say-- I hardly ever use the visualization functions on any mp3 player I've ever had. Sometimes during a party I'll turn it on, but even then eventually people turn it off and start browsing my iTunes collection anyway.

Still, every piece of news about Leopard means we're one step closer to release. New visualizers may just be visualizers, but at least they're new! Just a month left!