
Let's Change The Game: Design an ARG and help cure cancer

Adrian Hon, ex-Director of Play at Mind Candy, has been suspiciously quiet since Perplex City's disheartening suspension. It now seems he's been sneakily setting up new companies with his brother Dan and starting new projects. Let's Change The Game is the first of these new projects and sees Adrian joining forces with Cancer Research UK in order to raise money for a good cause and give someone the opportunity to design their own ARG.

Teams around the world are required to submit a 500 word Alternate Reality Game concept to the panel of judges (including Heavenly Sword story writer Rhianna Pratchett). The winning team will receive £1000 to develop their game as well as the full resources of Cancer Research UK at their disposal for marketing purposes. This includes 600 retail stores, TV adverts, live event fund raisers and mail outs to 20 million people. Not to mention behind-the-scenes help from some of the most prolific ARG designers in the industry. Think of it like Dragon's Den, with less chance of being shouted at.

The due-in date for entries is the 16th of November. More information, including what an ARG actually is, can be found on the Let's Change The Game website. There is also a discussion board for anyone interested. Ultimately, you have the chance to raise money for a good cause and get your ARG developed. How can you say no?