
X3F rant: TF2 needs times limits, please!

We're not much for rants here at X3F, but every once in a while rants must be made. This rant is about the multiplayer FPS du jour, Team Fortress 2. This rant goes out to everyone who thinks it might be a good idea to set up a game of Team Fortress 2 with no time limit. For the sake of all that is good, do not do this. Please.

Assuming both teams have attackers and defenders, it sounds like a good idea, because no one wants a game cut short prematurely. In practice though, it can turn into an unending nightmare. Imagine, if you will, a team of three Engineers and three Demomen. Lots of sticky bombs, lots of turrets, and no one on offense. Sure, the intelligence never gets capped, but no one is capturing the enemy intelligence either. Faced with a turtling team, you might try and play offense by yourself, but you'll quickly be murdered. You can feel free to repeat this ad nauseam, because the game will not end. With no time limit, there is no impetus to make attack runs and actually score points.

So please, turn on some kind of time limit. Even if it doesn't add more suspense to the game and more urgency to your strategy -- which it should -- it will at least ensure that the game will end at some point. Honestly, this goes for any objective game type in any game, so feel free to apply it to Halo 3 or whatever you like to play. Thanks for reading. We hope this makes your game more enjoyable.