
Stargate Worlds release date announced

Ten Ton Hammer has released a small tidbit from their cash of news after talking with Kevin Ballentine, the marketing director for Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment. So far, the only piece of info they are letting slip through is the fact that Stargate Worlds finally has a release date:

We've got a playable version of the game inside of our building. I'm not prepared to release our beta schedule yet, but I can say that we're going to be releasing the game in the fourth quarter of next year. You can do the math and figure out when our beta program will be.

So my guess is we will be seeing a beta in the near future, but really anything goes in the beta business. I am wondering exactly how they are going to pull such a massive concept off. I mean, exactly how many Stargates are there in the universe? Yeah, I thought so. This is going to be one huge world.