
SouthPeak throws Pool Party for Wii

SouthPeak Games, after having gifted us with a forgettable RPG and a nauseating zombie hunt, has announced plans to break ground for the Wii by announcing Pool Party, its first title for Nintendo's console. If upon hearing that you had hopes of scantily-clad babes and jocks doing belly flops off the diving board, you may be disappointed, as this game concerns a pool of the other kind. You know, pocket billiards.

SouthPeak says that the game will include both single and multiplayer modes across 13 different types of pool, from 8 and 9-ball, to snooker, rotation, and black jack. In addition, Pool Party will include multiple environments, as well as various pool sharks to control. The title, which is expected to ship for the Wii in February, will also marry playing pool with waggle for what the publisher describes as "the most definitive pool simulation yet seen on Nintendo hardware." SouthPeak, Lunar Pool would like to have a word with you.

edit: it appears that the game is in fact already out, and has been for some time at least in North America, making the announcement sent our way some strange mix of internet tomfoolery and mysticism.