
Xbox 360 Fancast 040 -- Roosters don't have teeth!

So, this is where we make "over the hill" jokes. Yes, break out the black balloons, it's episode 40 of the Xbox 360 Fancast. Appropriately enough, it's only a few days shy of Halloween. Middle-aged jokes aside, we've got quite a special treat for our fans out there. Of course, we have the usual poignant, witty repartee you've come to expect, but we've also got a special guest: Michael "Burnie" Burns from Rooster Teeth Productions, the daring crazy-folk behind Red. Vs. Blue. As usual, we chat about the latest goings on in Xbox, but we also get an exclusive opportunity to talk with Burnie about Recovery One, their final Halo 2 project. Not only that, but we talk about Rooster Teeth's plans for Halo 3. Download, listen, and know what it is to experience pure joy.

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Hosts: Richard Mitchell (SenseiRAM), Dustin Burg (SuperDunners), David Dreger (Knuckles Dawson)
Guest: Michael "Burnie" Burns of Rooster Teeth

Produced by Richard Mitchell

Music: Intro: "Blood Gulch Blues" by Trocadero. Outro: "Electromooq" by Uma Floresta. Break: "I hate my job" by Peach Stealing Monkeys
Interested in contributing music? Let us know.

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Fantalk: shooting the breeze with Burnie about Recovery One and Rooster Teeth's plans for Halo 3.