
Stargate Worlds features crafting tech trees, may see Atlantis expansion

Warcry caught up with Cheyenne Mountain's PR guy, Kevin Balentine, at E for All and drew a few answers out of him about the company's upcoming title Stargate Worlds. Balentine mostly played it close to his chest, but even though he spent some time covering stuff we already knew about the Goa'Uld, we did learn a few things.

He talked about the challenges of adapting the Unreal Engine for use in an MMO. He then described crafting, which will apparently have players upgrading their gear with selections from different tech trees that correspond to the major races. Also, Cheyenne hopes to add new gate addresses on a regular basis, and to change the world(s) over time so that playing through from level one might be a very different experience the second or third time around.

And the most interesting revelation? The lost city of Atlantis may be part of the first expansion!

Real or deep specifics on all this stuff were sparse, but we're still a ways off from launch so that's no surprise. Read the full interview if any of the above piqued your interest. Warcry got a hold of a couple new screenshots as well.