
Super Mario Galaxy party at NYC Nintendo World Store this Sunday

Hey New Yorkers, what'cha doing this Sunday evening? Watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition? Oh, you're watching "football"? Wait, is that the same thing as Madden? Nevertheless, you'll want to ask the TiVo to take care of your teevee and instead head over to the Nintendo World Store at 10 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City (yes, the same place that had the Phantom Hourglass event about a month ago) for a special Super Mario Galaxy launch event. Here's the details, as just shared with us by the Big N:

Festivities include a DJ, dancers, a Velcro wall, a bungee run, a trivia contest, a laser light show inside the building (we imagine it will be preceded by a Nintendo safety warning, so epileptics, stay at home), Mario himself (no word on Dr. Buzz Aldrin), and 250 Wii systems for the chronically Wii-less masses out there.

The shindig starts at 8pm, but that don't mean you shouldn't get there earlier; they'll close at 10pm and reopen again at midnight when the game officially goes on sale (for those of you who don't already have it). The 'stiq oughta be there, what about you?