
Massively WRUP: Farm that honor edition

Yes, my friends, it is Friday, happy Friday, and that means that this beautiful site you're reading is one week old! Happy birthday to us! It also means that it's time for the debut (though you had a little teaser earlier) of our weekly WRUP feature-- every Friday, we're going to ask, "What aRe yoU Playing?"

This weekend, many of you will probably be heading to the battlegrounds in World of Warcraft, working your hardest to farm up honor and marks for the items coming in patch 2.3 on Tuesday. Or maybe if you're a Mac or Linux user, you might be finding your way in EVE Online with the brand new client for the game. And if you're a DDO player, you might be headed to Sorrowdusk Isle for tonight's live events.

Personally, I'll be playing lots more EVE Online. Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money!