
Path Finder 4.8.2 can now replace the Finder, supports Quick Look

The guys over at Cocoatech have released an update to their excellent Finder replacement Path Finder that adds a couple of absolute gem features in Leopard. First, Path Finder now supports the brilliant Quick Look feature. Better yet, Path Finder now integrates with the OS in that it can now intercept the "Show in Finder" calls from other applications and direct them to Path Finder. What this means it that those little magnifying glass icons in, for example, the Safari downloads window (right) will now take you to Path Finder instead of the regular Finder. This even works on Stacks where the "More in Finder" button again goes to Path Finder.

While there were some Input Manager style hacks that had previously allowed similar functionality, this is the first time this has really worked seamlessly with the OS. Thanks, apparently, is due to Apple themselves for making this possible with Leopard.This really opens the door to replacing the Finder wholesale in Leopard with Path Finder.

Path Finder 4.8.2 is available for download in a demo. It's a free update for registered users of PF4, $17.95 for upgrades from earlier versions of PF, and $34.95 for a full version.

[via Infinite Loop]