
Which heroic is the friendliest for beginners?

In Patch 2.3, the reputation needed to enter heroic dungeons has been lowered to Honored. As a result, players who have up to now been limited in the heroic dungeons they can run (if they can run any of them) will now be likely to be able to go into just about any heroic dungeon. This has its up sides (easier to get a heroic group) and its down sides (players who are not as geared or experienced with the dungeons will now be running them), which leads me to wonder: what dungeon would be the best 'starter' heroic?

I personally like the Coilfang dungeons on heroic. In addition to running Steam Vaults fairly often, I recently had a great deal of fun running heroic Slave Pens, in a two warrior run the other day. I'm not as enamored of heroic Old Hillsbrad, and I've yet to run heroic Shattered Halls which I think would be grueling. I generally like the Auchindoun heroics with the exception of Auchenai Crypts, which I dislike.

What would you tell a player new to heroics? Where should they go first?