
Fanpoll: which Rock Band instrument for you?

Rock Band is arguably the biggest release for the 360 this week. Only Mass Effect really stands against it, and let's face it, Mass Effect isn't exactly a party game. So yes, it seems that Rock Band is pretty much universally adored, but that doesn't mean it isn't without its share of problems. What problems, you ask? How about which instrument you will play? Seems like a fine topic for a fanpoll, doncha think? Of course it does. So, which instrument do you favor over the rest? Are you the attention-starved bassist? Do you make the ladies swoon with your potent lyrics? Perhaps you prefer to melt faces with the guitar. Or, do you channel your tone-deaf rage into the skins?

We'll examine the results next week. You can find a breakdown of last week's Xbox Originals poll after the break.

So, the results for the poll were more or less what we expected. Most people don't want to fork over extra cash for games they may already have, or games that they could probably buy for less than the $15 price of a downloadable Xbox Original. No, most folks said they would only use the service if it included bonuses like Achievements, HD graphics, and Xbox Live support. Unfortunately, we now know that Xbox Originals will be nothing more than direct copies of the originals, so you won't find anything that wasn't there in the original title (apart from the same HD upscaling featured in all backwards compatible games). In other words, no Halo: CE over Xbox Live. Still, assuming these numbers are even remotely representative of the Xbox community (very remotely, we're sure), Microsoft stands to make some money on the service.

Of course, they probably already knew that.