
Handle these Fragile scans with care

This week's issue of Famitsu has the scoop on Namco Bandai's new "ruin-exploration RPG," Fragile ~ Farewell Moon Ruins. Along with revealing that the game will be developed by tri-Crescendo (Baten Kaitos, Baten Kaitos Origins, and Eternal Sonata) and the Venus & Braves team, the Japanese magazine previewed Fragile with two pages of luxuriously purple screenshots and artwork. You can explore past the break for those.

Despite the protagonist's feminine features and outfit, the pictured character, Seto, is actually a boy. Fragile might still be in the early stages of development -- Seto has the same pose in every shot and combat scenes are noticeably absent -- but it really looks like it has a lot of potential. Hopefully, this game won't eventually bomb in Japan like Opoona did, and some publisher will feel motivated to bring this to the states.

Click on the resized scans for the full images.

[Via Ruliweb]