
The X3F Rock Band challenge: learn to play for real first

So, if you listen to the Xbox 360 Fancast, you may have heard this blogger mention that he wasn't picking up Rock Band until he learned to play a real song. While our resident achievement whore figured it was merely an excuse not to buy Rock Band, I'm here to tell you I was serious. Yes, it's not exactly earth-shattering news, but it's something that seems worth discussing. It seems like almost all stories about Rock Band and Guitar Hero are haunted by that guy. You know the one. He's the one that says: "Why the hell would I want to pretend to play guitar? I'd rather do the real thing." At this point, that guy may resort to calling the other posters "nerds," all the while failing to realize the irony that he is making this comment on an internet forum catering exclusively to video game discussion.

Double standards aside, the point is that I've decided to put his creed into practice (the "too close to home" nature of the Guitar Hero episode of South Park didn't hurt either). The larger cultural question here is whether or not Guitar Hero or Rock Band has inspired other like-minded folk to learn how to play as well. So, has the recent spate of musical games inspired you? Whether they have or not, feel free to share your opinion in the comments.

Oh, and wish me luck, my fingers already hurt like hell.