
More Ninja Gaiden II goodness, demo incoming

In our endless quest for every possible bit on Ninja Gaiden II info, IGN steps in with a new video interview with Tomonobu Itagaki, the outspoken head of Tecmo's Team Ninja. The interview is peppered with new gameplay footage, over which Itagaki discusses the changes being made to Ninja Gaiden II compared the first iteration, particularly the blood effects, weapons, and AI behavior. The blood is apparently more "viscous" and he gore is more detailed than before. That's good, considering the new dismemberment system. Speaking of dismemberment, don't expect enemies to stop attacking just because you've lopped off one of their legs either. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the interview is when Itagaki mentions that he doesn't want to boast about his game, noting that the game will speak for itself through trailers and demos. Yes, demos. Specifically, he said (through a translator), "That's why we have things like downloadable demos out there ... that will be coming at some point."

With the game scheduled for a release early next year, maybe we'll get lucky and see that demo before Christmas. Please ....

[Thanks, DarkStar]