
Devil May Cry 4 demo strikes early 2008, new screenshots

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Wait a second -- that headline doesn't make any sense! Regardless, Capcom has announced that the PSN demo of Devil May Cry 4 will be available "early 2008." How early that will be is anyone's guess. According to the press release: "The demo introduces gamers to the gothic-inspired supernatural world of Devil May Cry 4, new protagonist Nero and the awesome power of his Devil Bringer. The demo consists of a sampling of sections from the full game, chosen to showcase Devil May Cry 4's varied locales and allows gamers to familiarize themselves with Nero's unique abilities."

To get the hype machine rolling again for DMC, Capcom has also sent us a huge update of screenshots, which we've added to our gallery. They show off Dante's new weapon, "Lucifer," which fires mystical swords at enemies. The swords will also explode when Dante throws a red rose. Typical of an anime character, no? Also, you'll see Nero battling a new enemy dubbed the "One Winged Dark Knight."

Devil May Cry 4 will also be on display at New York Anime Festival this weekend.
