
Get your Devil May Cry 4 video fix!

We've got five, count 'em, five videos of Dante and/or Nero in action from the upcoming Devil May Cry 4 today. You'll notice a lot of Swordmaster and Gunslinger moves, though not strung together in any flashy combos. Oh well, no biggie. We've got more videos after the jump, so don't be afraid to let yourself "blast off" and get a little "stylish".

May we present you with the bridge fight -- Nero watching and then speaking with the saucy vixen, Gloria.

Nero versus Dante, a classic battle. Chances are you downloaded a video quite similar to this from the PS Store.

Fighting plants is always fun, especially when you get to bicycle kick giant seeds into the plants' face. Beware the loading screen! Something we don't like seeing too often.

Who doesn't like playing in the snow? Ice demons, that's who. They play all right, but they play dirty. That's the last of 'em, folks. Hope you enjoyed.