
DDI racing games fall straight to the top of our want list

We don't normally cover individual reviews on Wii Fanboy unless we're, you know, writing them. But there aren't enough reviews online of either of these two games to Metareview either one, and we had to make a mention of IGN's reviews of Data Design Interactive's Mini Desktop Racing and Offroad Extreme! Special Edition. These games managed to score 1.2 and 1.0 respectively. That's from IGN, who frequently gets taken to task for their "8-10 review scale."

Check out some quotes from these reviews: Matt C says that "To (Offroad Extreme's) credit, the title features a comprehensive "how to play" tutorial, but unfortunately lacks an accompanying "why to play" one." And Mark Bozon says that "(Mini Desktop Racing's) credits mention no game designer at all though, so that explains a lot," as well as labeling the game "another shovelware title that simply needs to be ignored at all costs."

The Wii has some bad games, but these two from the creators of Ninjabread Man sound like they've raised (lowered?) the bar. We are now driven by an uncontrollable compulsion to play these two games.

[Via NeoGAF]