
Being shot is good for your health, apparently

While experimenting with the Wii Zapper, Spencer Yip made an interesting discovery: the fancy handle is, according to him, well-suited for Trauma Center. For some reason, he decided to try New Blood with his Wiimote and Nunchuk ensconced in the gun shell, and found the experience pleasant. Hilariously, he compares performing surgery in Trauma Center with the Wiimote to "spraying W.O.L.F. soldiers in Time Crisis 4 with a machine gun."

"The main advantage of using the Zapper is it makes aiming easier. Since you're holding the shell with two hands, it's easier to inject tiny tumors with an anti-inflammatory drug and make smooth scalpel cuts." Using forceps was the only major issue, as that move requires the A button and thus a momentary change in grip.

There are two things we find notable about this story. First, it's hilarious to perform surgery by shooting at people's insides. It's fun to subvert intended control schemes, which is why we play every game with the Cooking Mamafrying pan attachment. Second, Spencer has inadvertently found an identifiable advantage to using the Wii Zapper, in that it seems to actually steady his aim in a difficult game.