
More than half a million sign up for Warhammer Online beta

When EA Mythic announced plans to delay its upcoming MMO Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning until 2008, we'd be lying if we said the news was met with anything but a sigh of relief. After all, retail shelves are already home to more than enough half-baked massively multiplayer escapades for our liking, and anything to keep from being tempted to fork over hard earned rupees for the honor of being glorified beta testers is just fine by us. We'd much rather that pleasure fall to real beta testers, which according EA now number more than 500,000 strong in both North America and Europe, an impressive jump from the some 200,000 announced just six months ago.

Warhammer Online, which promises "revolutionary" realm vs. realm combat and just might be console bound, is currently poised to launch for real sometime during 2008's second quarter, though those players itching for an early taste of what the tabletop-inspired MMO will offer can still sign up for the beta on EA Mythic's website. As for the rest of us, we'll continue to play the ever-popular waiting game, which may or may not be just as fun. For those of you who are in the beta, feel free to let us know.