
Hudson preps sequel to Star Soldier A - Q

Hudson, in the midst of its Caravan Tour through Japan's major cities, has been hosting a high-score tournament for its two-minute demo of Star Soldier R. Shoot-em-up fans should recognize the name, as the Virtual Console has played host to the series several times over. Japan Gaming Guide attended the event and grabbed some shaky-cam footage of the title in action, which you can view above.

Much to our relief, Hudson hasn't implemented any motion-sensing mechanics, offering gamers the chance to play with either a Wii remote or a classic controller, many choosing the latter. Also, Star Soldier R eschews any arbitrary gimmicks, favoring a straightforward, blast-em-all-and-let-God-sort-em-out approach. We're just happy to hear about another release that could be compatible with Hori's arcade stick!