
New PSP pouches for Japan: horizontal stripes are so in

Ready to get your import on? PlayStation just announced some new carrying pouches for the new Slim PSP. The pouches are exciting to look at, especially if you like the store Sanrio Express -- that is, Hello Kitty Central. Not sure why that popped into our heads, because all things considered, the pouches are more stylish than the heat-absorbing black ones we're used to. Priced at a meager 1,800 yen, the pouches aren't really putting people back that much anyway.

An interesting thing to note about these pouches is not only will it carry your PSP comfortably, but you can also toss in a couple of UMD games (or movies), which have their own little pouches, and your headphones for that sense of game-music privacy. That's a pretty good move and one we'd entirely expect, since carrying around PSP cases isn't very fun and carrying just the discs is a pretty big tragedy waiting to happen.