
GSB sponsored Cyberball tournament

Mr. BigVIP himself Aaron Greenberg let it be known that he is a huge Cyberball 2072 fanboy and when it released to the XBLA this week he felt the need to create some sort of community tournament. But what Aaron didn't realize was that Cyberball 2072 doesn't include online versus multiplayer (doh!), so he dug deep in his bag of tricks and came up with a new way to involve the community, create some competition and giveaway prizes.

So, the Gamerscore Blog Cyberball 2072 tournament was born and is ready for entry. And if you want to partake in the fun, simply send a friend request to Cyberballgamer (first 100 only) from now through Tuesday, September 11th and play lots Cyberball 2072. That's it. BigVIP will award prizes including Microsoft points, controllers, and games to the top ten highest scores who entered the tournament. True, it's not the most ideal or competitive format for a tourney, but we admire Greenberg's persistence and ingenuity when faced with an Arcade game that lacks online versus. Good luck everyone!