
World Series of Video Games is no more

Before anybody could so much as make a movie about a scrappy gang of no-names overcoming adversity to get to it, the World Series of Video Games has died. According to the group's website, not only is the series kaput, the three remaining events have also been canceled. As you probably could have guessed, it was chalked up to "the continuing challenges of securing adequate revenues to sustain the production of the WSVG's large scale events."

We have to admit, we didn't see this coming. ... Well, we did in the sense that we expect any enterprise based on watching people play video games to fail, but things did seem to be going fairly well the last time we talked about the WSVG, what with their airings on CBS and the like. That said, did any of you actually watch those? Yeah, us neither. Maybe that could be part of the problem?

[Via WoW Insider]