
Want to win a 60d gamecard? Caption This!

Over at WoW Insider we welcome the arrival of the new week in our own unique way -- with a contest! We're giving away a 60-day gamecard (for first place) and a World of Warcraft class shirt of your choice (warrior, warlock, mage, rogue, priest, paladin, druid, hunter, or shaman) from J!NX (for second place). All you have to do to win is to give us the best caption to the above screenshot in our comments before Thursday at 12:00 PM EST. On Friday, we'll present the best captions for you to vote on.

But now for the official stuff: this contest is only open to US residents of age 13 and up. I'm very sorry if this excludes you, but legal restrictions make it very difficult for us to run a more inclusive contest. Before you enter your caption, you'll want to read through the official rules.

Legal business concluded, what are you waiting for? Get to captioning!