
Ring of Fates gets a little bonus content

Sometimes we actually benefit from being outside the realm of Japanese gaming. Sure, usually we're like kids outside the candy store, cheeks pressed against the glass, grubby fingers flexing uselessly as we stare inside at the avalanche of goodies that are clearly labeled "not for you." Just when we've reached the end of our proverbial rope, however, someone tends to throw us a bone. This time it's Square Enix, offering up bonus content for North American gamers who pick up Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates.

The North American release is slated to include four quests not in the original Japanese game. We'll hope the same can be said for the European release; otherwise, we expect several folks will be importing English-language copies from overseas. Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings is set to get the same treatment as well, though we don't have specific details on just what will be added to next month's strategy RPG.