
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 announced, first screen

Clancy fans rejoice! Ubisoft has announced that a sequel to Rainbow Six Vegas, cleverly titled Rainbow Six Vegas 2, is headed for the Xbox 360. Along with the news comes the first screenshot, which you can see above. As you may have guessed, the game will again take place in Las Vegas. That town just can't get a break, can it? According to the press release, the sequel will "break new ground in both co-op and adversarial modes, while providing unprecedented interaction between the solo and multiplayer modes." What exactly this "interaction" is, we don't know. Maybe you can take your online avatar into campaign missions. Perhaps the leveling system works both in campaign and in adversarial multiplayer. Whatever Ubisoft does, we're just hoping they don't try to fix what ain't broken.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2
is scheduled to arrive in March of 2008.

[Thanks, DjDATZ]