
The finger, improved: Pogo Stylus answers iPhone's unasked question

We kinda thought that the iPhone's interface was designed to be used and mastered without so much as a fleeting moment of longing for a pointing implement -- once you get past the keyboard's growing pains, anyway -- but we suppose the automatic mental association between touchscreens and styli can be a tough one to break. Enter Ten One Design's meticulously engineered $24.95 Pogo Stylus, which the firm says functions "like a fingertip" to integrate seamlessly with the finger-friendly UI used throughout the iPhone and iPod touch. Imagine that! What's more, it's manufactured from aluminum alloy in your choice of three stylish colors, which is awesome news since it's prominently featured on your iPhone's side in a custom holster. If only Ten One had put a screw top on this thing so that we could fill it with pixie dust, whiskey, or $25 in shredded US currency, we'd be in.

[Via iAnything]