
More new, veteran blood at 38 Studios

There's a strange sort of parallel between the hiring practices of Curt Schilling's 38 Studios and the team with which he has won two of his three World Series Championships, the Boston Red Sox. While sports fans like myself watch on with some interest as the Red Sox seek out high-priced talent from other teams within the American League, 38 Studios has announced the hiring of their own big gun in the shape of Jon Laff, a former leader engineer over at Electronic Arts.

Laff is the latest in a series of high-profile partners at 38 Studios, where ace pitcher Curt Schilling has assembled a team that includes writer R.A. Salvatore and famous comic book artist Todd McFarlane. Laff, who has worked with EA for several projects, including Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, Medal of Honor: European Assault, and the as-yet-unreleased Army of Two, will act as Chief Technology Officer for the budding company. Says Laff of his hiring, "With the company's visionaries and industry leaders such as Schilling, McFarlane, Salvatore, and Close at the helm, 38 Studios is laying the groundwork to become the industry's next major innovator. I'm looking forward to being an integral part of 38 Studios and to developing the next generation of online entertainment."

Whoever is doing the PR for 38 Studios is sure doing a good job of dribbling out information every couple weeks to keep us interested, without ever really showing any details about their IP. Color me frustrated.