
PS3 Poll Police: Which 2008 game will get mad delays?

The Poll Police want to wish you an early Happy New Year, assuming you use the Gregorian Calendar. They'd also like to invite you to take part in their latest investigation -- the seedy underbelly of 2008 house many great titles, but some of these games will undoubtedly remain hidden longer than anticipated. So, of the following haphazardly picked titles, which do you think will get the most delays and/or the longest delay?

Which random 2008 title will get delayed the most?

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Grand Theft Auto IV

Killzone 2



Resident Evil 5

Silent Hill 5 free polls

As for us, we've no idea. Like we said, these are haphazard choices and anything else could pop out of nowhere and get delayed until 2010 for all we know. However, we do know the results of last week's poll. Take the jump to find out for yourself.

Wow! Imagine that. People get what they want on Christmas -- the most-giving-est holiday of the year. We're glad the majority seemed to enjoy their time off, but we do wish those with the negative responses a better next year, or a brighter outlook on whatever brought their holiday spirit down. Or whatever. We'll be back next week and as always, thanks for voting!