
Rock Band gets Skynyrd, Crowes and Rush DLC

Kicking off the new year with some serious fret work, today Rock Band released three new downloadable tracks to the Xbox Live Marketplace. The three DLC songs will cost you the traditional 160 Microsoft points each and include the original recording of "Gimme Three Steps" by Lynyrd Skynyrd as well as a cover from the Black Crowes and Rush. Get all the new Rock Band DLC details after the break and prepare yourself to rock. It's New Year's day and we have a serious urge to sing, strum and drum the day away.

Today's Rock Band DLC
Individual Tracks - 160

"Gimme Three Steps" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
"Hard to Handle" as made famous by the Black Crowes*
"Limelight" as made famous by Rush*

(asterisk denotes cover song)