
Come discover High King's Crossing in Middle-earth

So you say you like rivers, but even more than rivers you love big, tall statues? Well that's good, because Lord of the Rings Online just added High King's Crossing as a new point of interest for any travelers looking to explore. The three massive statues that guard the crossing of Baranduin river are very ancient ruins (as are most ruins in Middle Earth) that were created in honor of the kings of old. Abandoned after the fall of the North-kingdom and the fading of the Dúnedain of the North, it is now being preserved by the Rangers.

Feel free to follow the link if you'd like to read through the lore in full, it's worth a minute of your time if you like anything Tolkien. Aside from the nice injection of lore for anyone who enjoys that sort of stuff, the page also has a great integration of the Google maps application. The first thing you might find yourself doing after reading through the lore entry is to wander around the interactive map -- at least if you're anything like us.