
Ninja Gaiden II needs your achievement help

After cornering Tomonobu Itagaki and forcing him to answer questions regarding Ninja Gaiden II, the Gamerscore Blog crew then took it upon themselves to convince Team Ninja that Ninja Gaiden II's achievements needed a gamer's touch. And well, they actually listened.

Team Ninja is requesting your gaming experience, your creative genius and your achievement knowledge to help them with the task of generating achievements for the 360 exclusive Ninja Gaiden II. If you have an idea for the best achievement evar, simply make your way over to the GSB and comment on their post with your idea. Team Ninja will then pick some of the best ideas and use them to create Ninja Gaiden II's achievements. Who knows, if they use your idea they could go as far as to make you an honorary ninja complete with your gamertag laser engraved on a samurai sword. One can only dream.