
Parliant releases PhoneValet Home Edition

Mac users looking to integrate their home phone line with their Macs have had a couple of sophisticated options in Ovolabs' Phlink and Parliant's PhoneValet. The only problem is that both are clearly aimed at small businesses with prices around $150+ for either application. Perhaps sensing the hole in the market for home users, Parliant is shipping PhoneValet Home Edition at Macworld for a much more palatable $50.

Like its more expensive brother, it includes Caller ID announcement, voicemail, ringtones and more, but it lacks more advanced logging features and call recording. The regular edition also includes a USB hardware interface, while the Home edition is designed to work with the Apple modem.

PhoneValet Home Edition is $49.95 and a demo is available. If you have a internal modem they have a test program on their downloads page to confirm compatibility. If not, it works with Apple's USB modem.

[via MacMinute]