
The Weekend Recap

The Weekend Recap

Breaking news: SL's Nexus Prime devastated [Updated x2]
One of the most impressive builds in Second Life was harmed when one of the designers decided to pull his prims out of the project. Many new people are left wondering why this is such an important place, while many older SLers are wondering just why it was done.

The Digital Continuum: A Cryptic future
First they were rumored to be taking on the Star Trek Online IP, then it came out that they were just recruiting from the ranks of Perpetual Entertainment's recently laid-off staff. With their blog offline and information scarce, Kyle Horner looks at Cryptic's place in the market.

Blackstar's prophecy revealed
Not all studios who have lost their primary backing have folded, however. Spacetime Studios, the designers of Blackstar, continue work on their beloved project despite setbacks. If you've been waiting to hear about a great sci-fi MMO, this may just be the project for you. (Especially if you're an investor!)

The WoW starts now

Our very own Eloise Pasteur, a long-time Second Life resident, decides to dip her toes into Azeroth and figure out what the rest of us are generally on about. With her trusty pet bear, Eloise wanders the land and gives us her travelogue and thoughts as a virtual world veteran.

Internet payment plan based on usage to be tested in Texas
We take a look at the plans by Time Warner cable to test out a new model that charges for bandwidth usage as opposed to a flat-fee for access. While this is normal in many other countries, it is largely unheard of in the U.S. Will this mean problems for all online gamers, or is this targeted to stop the torrenters in their tracks?