
Rock Band takes comfort with Oasis DLC

As foretold by, this week's Rock Band downloadable content flew in by jet from the UK and is prepped and ready to be purchased by DLC enthusiasts. Oasis makes its Rock Band debut with an all new "Oasis Track Pack" featuring three songs from those shaggy haired Brits including "Don't Look Back in Anger", "Live Forever" and "Wonderwall". And, as always, if you suffer from Oasis commitment issues, you can purchase each track separately for the standard 160 Microsoft point price tag. Get all the details of detailed'ness on the new Oasis Rock Band DLC after the break. Gallagher FTW!

Today's Rock Band DLC
Oasis Pack 01 - 440

"Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis
"Live Forever" by Oasis
"Wonderwall" by Oasis

Individual Tracks - 160

"Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis
"Live Forever" by Oasis
"Wonderwall" by Oasis

(asterisk denotes cover song)