
The Daily Grind: Most disgusting quest

As anyone who has ever played World of Warcraft can tell you, there seems to be quite a few quests that just make you go "yuck." What kinds of quests? Well, as highlighted in a recent Real Life comic, one of the Nagrand quests sends you hunting around in Talbuk poo to get beans which you then make something to eat from them. Admittedly, I can't speak for anyone else, but I finished that quest arc with every single one of those 'Nagrand Cherries' still in my bag -- having made a few underwater breathing potions on my Alchemist alt.

Sure, you're aware that you aren't really eating the poo-beans, but the idea was just gross to me at the time. (Besides, I had a lot of herbs back-stocked, so it cost me nothing beyond the vials and a mailing fee.) But we know that's far from the only yucky quest out there. For today's question, we thought we'd ask just what quest you've come across made you stop and go "ew" in your travels. We know Blizzard can't have the corner of the market on gross, so share your yucky stories!