
Rock Band microphone in the wild for $50, Wii [update]

This bit of info is flying pretty close under the radar, but apparently the Rock Band standalone microphones are sporadically out in the wild. The picture above comes from a tipster at a Best Buy in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, who tells us the microphone is being sold for $50. We knew the standalone guitar is coming in April and the drum kit gets a beat on retail next month, but the microphone was conspicuously missing from that announcement.

If $50 for the "official" mic seems a bit much, just remember that a standard USB mic should be compatible. Still no "official" announcement on this microphone that has apparently gone ninja into retail.

Update: The packaging claims the mic is compatible with PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and ... Wii! Rock Band for Wii?! Not so fast, this could just be a standard USB microphone for use with games like – *shudder* – Boogie.

[Via Engadget, Thanks Arcaynn]