
Nintendo using its totally unnecessary Brawl ad budget

We'd think this commercial for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was a fan-created fake if we hadn't, uh, been forced to watch it before our chosen video on Gamevideos. News appears everywhere, even in the way of other news! It's about as basic as a commercial can get: it shows some characters doing a few moves and poses, then cuts to the boxart and text reading "March 9, 2008." It doesn't really need much else.

The question, of course, is "does Brawl really need any advertising?" This isn't a Metroid Prime 3 situation, in which a good game needs a bit of a push to get into as many hands as possible. This is Super Smash Bros. It's basically the only game that was a genuinely huge hit on the GameCube. There's no concern that it'll undersell.