
Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer preview

Since being bit by the delay bug, Battlefield: Bad Company has been flying under the radar, but recently developer DICE felt confident enough to show off the game's multiplayer and it actually impresses.

IGN posted a nice writeup of their first Bad Company multiplayer experience and are pleased to report that the framerate, textures and overall look of the game has drastically improved since their single player play session last year. The extra polish looks to have paid off. Their hands on time consisted of a 16 player versus multiplayer match in a map called "Ascension" (no, not that Ascension) where the goal was to lay waste to the other team all while destroying their heavily secured gold stash. The graphics are sharp, the gameplay was solid enough, the destructible environments lived up to their name and IGN walked away satisfied and hopeful. And from their positive praise (and videos like the one above) we're, oddly enough, impressed as well. Make the jump to read their complete multiplayer writeup as well as their preview of a yet to be played campaign mission. B-company out.