
Alone in the Dark developer dishes delightedly

Hervé Sliwa, lead designer on Alone in the Dark, released a developer diary in which he gushes over the chance to work on one of his favorite games, and who could blame him? Whether or not you happen to like this particular title, the idea of being in his shoes -- and working on a new vision of something you love -- has to be exciting. In fact, the entire diary entry reads like a fanboy's dream come true; Sliwa swears he applied to Infogrames because of Alone in the Dark, because of the game's innovation and narrative. If nothing else, this gives us some hope about the remake. Sure, some may not welcome the level-skip function, and maybe everyone's not happy with the screenshots, but it certainly sounds as though the game is in good hands.

As far as actual information goes about development, this entry is a little on the light side. However, near the end, Sliwa does mention that the sight of Central Park at night inspired the project. The contrast between the brightly-lit city and a particularly dark patch in the park just struck a chord, and the first idea for the new game slithered forth from the depths of night. While we'd love to get some down and dirty details on the game, or perhaps a video or two, it's nice to see the beginning of the process, particularly when the mind behind it is so enthusiastic. It's contagious, as well; in honor of Sliwa's excitement, we tracked down some new artwork and Wii-specific screens, and have tucked them into the gallery below, along with the older shots.
