
We can actually understand this Emblem of Gundam trailer

It's odd for a Gundam game trailer to be in English, since there's only about a 0.1% chance that such a game will end up in English-speaking markets. The language choice of this trailer is also strange, considering that it's on the official Japanese website for the upcoming title, Emblem of Gundam.

Maybe Namco Bandai knows that everyone in Japan is going to buy the game anyway, so they're trying to encourage imports.

In any case, if you'd like to check out the newest trailer for Emblem of Gundam, we've tucked it away after the break. It doesn't tell us much about this title that we wouldn't already expect, but it will help whet the appetite of the Gundam fanboy or girl inside of you.

Warning: The video will autoplay if you venture past the break.